A writer writes. That is one of many inspirational quotes about how to become a successful writer. No matter what is happening around you, it’s important to get yourself into the habit of writing something every day. It doesn’t necessarily have to have a direction or plot, it might just be observations or daily musings. The point is to develop a habit that will eventually become your new normal.
Start by finding your perfect writing spot. For some people, this means plugging in at a local coffee venue and temporarily calling it an office. Some people have their most productive writing sessions at home. No matter where you feel most productive, come prepared so you have no excuses. If you come equipped with everything you need, then you have to at least write something.
A writer should also read every day. Not only for inspiration and motivation, but reading can also improve cognition skills and spark creativity. The most successful writers are also avid readers. You never know where your next idea might spring from.
In addition to determination and a positive attitude, a good writer will share something else in common with successful people from other industries. Rarely will someone make it on their first try, which means at least one rejection will occur. If you are determined to be a writer and you cannot envision yourself doing anything else, then rejection should be nothing more than a lesson learned that will propel you forward to try again and again. A good writer doesn’t give up. This is not just limited to publisher rejection letters, this includes being able to take criticism from friends and family, too.
A good writer knows that the author should be invisible, in a sense. They are not writing their book for an audience of one, themselves. The context and tone and vocabulary and plot should all be aimed at the potential demographic they are shooting for. Your reader comes first. You have to put yourself in their shoes. If you are an online poster with a following, then you must keep them engaged through your writing. If you have a fan base who has come to expect certain timeliness and level of quality to your posts then it is unfair to suddenly break from routine without warning and leave them wondering what happened.