Many people believe they have a story to tell. Others love to write. When individuals with ideas who enjoy writing put these two notions together, short stories might develop and be written. That said, certain elements make some written accounts stand out from many others. Such attributes include:
A Solid Plot
The plot is described in basic terms as the byproduct of the events that occur in the story. In other words, the plot is an underlying action that drives the story forward and to its ultimate conclusion.
Intriguing Characters
Memorable characters are vital to any short story. A story’s characters should possess several different qualities. First, said individuals should stand out. While they do not always have to be likable, but they should connect with the reader in some way. Good story characters have their own language and style. These individuals should not speak the same, look the same, or act the same. Most importantly, solid short story characters have some bearing on the story. If they do not move the story forward, they are merely taking up space, will likely distract the reader and therefore have no place in such tales.
Every good story must possess a significant degree of conflict. Tension and difficulties are the straws that stir the drink that is the story. Good writers will place the protagonists (the primary character who the story centers on) of their tales through as many trials and tribulations as possible.
Stories without conflict are boring because they do not give the reader the chance to identify with their protagonist or any other characters. Readers should develop sympathy for the protagonist’s plight or at the very least, empathy (an understanding of why they are making the decisions they are making and executing the actions they are taking). Heightened tension allows the characters to take decisive action and forces the reader to invest in their plights.
The setting is the backdrop for the story. In simpler terms, the setting is the place and time in which the story occurs. These vital pieces of information will fit in perfectly to well-crafted stories and often exert a significant impact on the story’s progression and eventual outcome.