Why Setting Is Important?

Any fiction novel has several key characteristics: characters, plot, setting. Usually, the setting is thought of as the backdrop behind the main actors in the spotlight. The reality is: setting is as much a part of plot and character development as any other factor.


Choosing the Setting

While this depends on the theme, plot, and genre of the story, the choice of setting is a huge deal. Whatever environment you have in mind, whether a real place or imaginary, the best thing to do is draw real-life inspiration. Even if you haven’t been to this place before, research it or someplace like it, and immerse yourself in it. Use videos and books to paint a vibrant image in your mind.


Describing the Setting

Some writers might be used to describing the setting separately from the actual story. Perhaps there is a paragraph dedicated to setting up the scene, usually in a chunky opening paragraph, before delving into the plot.

The problem with this is that readers might feel bored reading a dense description of the setting. Then, when they get to the plot, it gives the impression that characters are floating in a space because the setting is no longer mentioned.

A better way to improve your story is to interweave, describing the setting with the action and dialogue. The setting is not just background information; it is made up of the mood and overall atmosphere. The plot and the environment work together.

In a romantic scene, for example, include descriptions of the moon glimmering in the sultry night sky, casting soft shadows on the characters as they stare into each other’s eyes. See how including the setting makes this moment more dimensional?


The Role of Time

The setting is known as “time and space” in fiction. However, when it comes to time, it’s not just the historical period. Instead, time includes the era, year, season, month – down to a day, hour, or a moment. Time affects how characters interact with the setting; as such, it affects the pacing of the plot.


Specifics of a Setting

Although the setting is mainly the time and place in which the plot occurs, it’s more complicated than that. In real life, no location exists in a vacuum. A country, city, or region has a history. The people that live there shape the setting. Especially in cases of historical fiction, the social and political climate encompasses the setting. Incorporating details about such things is a critical tool in world-building.


To conclude, the setting is an important tool in brightening up a story. It encompasses the location, time, and mood of the background, breathing life into the plot and the characters.